Butterfly Bushes have certainly earned their place in the garden over the years, and its easy to see why. Just when we need a breath of fresh air in the late summer heat, they happily burst into bloom. At a time when many other plants are already spent, buddleias are just beginning their show. Their passive coloring and texture makes a wonderful backdrop for perennials, and you'll love the butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds that flock to their honey-scented blossoms. Join Andrew Jager, our Marketing Manager, to learn more about the Cascade, HUMDINGER®, and MONARCH® collections of Buddleia. Hardy in zones 5-10!
Join Laura Robles in our display gardens to see the Nepeta varieties blooming side by side. Catmint has everything today’s gardeners are looking for: a low maintenance, drought tolerant, deer resistant, long-blooming perennial that looks great all season.
Watch VideoPerovskia can be used in a wide variety of environments with little attention through the season - a reason they have long been a staple of landscapers. Join Laura Robles as she goes through the landscape and shows a side-by-side comparison of each variety.
Watch VideoThink all Buddleia look the same? Think again! Unlike the typical Butterfly Bush, the panicles on this flowering shrub cascade downward, similar to the look of weeping willow or a bridalwreath spirea. Learn more about the Cascade Series with our trials manager, Laura Robles.
Watch VideoJoin our Marketing Manager, Andrew Jager, in our greenhouse to see the different Epimedium varieties blooming. Epimedium are one of the few plants capable of surviving in dry shade. Although slow to establish, mature plants will not be missed in the landscape, particularly when in flower.
Watch VideoOn June 1, Andrew Jager talked about the Baptisia varieties blooming in our display gardens now. Baptisia is easy to grow and will thrive with little maintenance. There are many potential applications in the landscape including meadow plantings, as a backdrop in borders, or as a specimen.
Watch VideoAndrew Jager, our Marketing Manager, takes you around the display gardens to show you which Salvia's are blooming on June 1st in Michigan.
Watch VideoShasta Daisies are all-time favorites for the perennial border. The cheery flowers begin to appear in early summer and continue on for several months if faithfully deadheaded. Shastas mix so effortlessly with other perennials that no garden should be without them! Learn more about Shasta Daisies with our Marketing Manager, Andrew Jager. Hardy in zones 5-9!
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