2025 Proven Winners National Landscape Perennial of the Year®
Truly the “cat’s meow”! Unlike most Nepetas that have a bit of a wild, unkempt look, this first class selection keeps its tidy, dense, rounded shape all season long.
Its small, grey-green, aromatic leaves are topped with well-branched stems carrying spikes of sky blue flowers with purple calyxes from early summer into early fall.
‘Cat’s Meow’ has everything today’s gardeners are looking for: a low maintenance, drought tolerant, deer resistant, long blooming perennial that looks great all season.
When Nepeta's stems are broken, they release an aroma into the air that tends to attract cats, thus its common name, Catmint.
128ct Plug Tray |
72ct Plug Tray |
Grade #1 Bare Root |
Grade #2 Bare Root |
17.0-20.0 Inches
24.0-36.0 Inches
Hardiness Zones:
Flower Color:
Blue shades
Foliage Color:
Green shades
Full Sun (> 6 hrs. Direct Sun)
Water Requirements:
Low Water Needs Average Water Needs
Soil Quality:
Poor Soil Quality Average Soil Quality
Soil Chemistry:
Neutral Soil (pH = 7.0) Alkaline Soil (pH > 7.0)
Early Summer Midsummer Late Summer Early Fall Long Blooming
Attracts Wings:
Attracts Butterflies Attracts Hummingbirds Bee Friendly
Critter Resistant:
Deer Resistant Rabbit Resistant
Growth Rate:
Garden Style:
Cottage Eclectic Prairie
Other Features:
Border Plant Cut Flower Cut Foliage Drought Tolerant Easy To Grow Fragrant Flowers Fragrant Foliage Mass Planting
Not Native to North America
Nepetas are easy to grow perennials that provide a beautiful show of color all summer long. They prefer to be planted in full sun and ordinary, well-drained soil. Shearing the plant back in the springtime will promote more compact growth. In addition, cutting plants back by half after their first bloom tends to stimulate a second bloom cycle.
Trade 1 Gallon Container
When to Plant:
Spring to late summer
8-10 weeks
Summer crops may finish considerably faster than late winter crops.
Premium 1 Gallon Pot
When to Plant:
7-8 weeks
Growing Temperature:
64-68° F.
Holding Temperature:
55-60 degrees F
Soil PH:
EC (What is EC?):
1.5-2.0 pour through method
Light to moderate feeders. Incorporate controlled release fertilizer into growing media at a rate equivalent to 1 pound nitrogen per yard of medium. Another method is using a water soluble fertilizer at a rate of 100-150 ppm nitrates to the crop each watering.
Not required but is cold-beneficial. Provide 6-9 weeks of cold.
Pests & Diseases:
Aphids, leafhoppers, slugs, snails, spider mites, thrips, and whiteflies. Rot(Sclerotium), powdery mildew (Erysiphe), leaf spots, bacterial leaf spot (Pseudomonas), stem and root rots, mosaic virus, and Fusarium wilt are diseases to watch for on Nepeta.
Potting & Timing:
Nepeta are fast finishing and can be planted in early spring to late summer.
For potting soil use professional planting media.
Requires low levels of moisture, often considered drought tolerant.
Water in thoroughly when first planted and then when the soil in the bottom of the drain holes feels dry to the touch.
Planting Level:
Place crown of plant just below soil level.
Apply 2-3 spray applications of Bonzi, Paczol or Piccolo (paclobutrazol) at 30 ppm or Concise or Sumagic (uniconazole) at 5 ppm at 7-10 day intervals beginning when the plants are 4-6 inches high. Plugs benefit from a pinch shortly after transplanting.
Requires long days to flower.
Grower Tips:
Grow cool and slightly dry with high light levels for best results.
Proven Winners National Landscape Perennial of the Year -- 2025
17.0-20.0 Inches
24.0-36.0 Inches
Hardiness Zones:
Flower Color:
Blue shades
Foliage Color:
Green shades
Full Sun (> 6 hrs. Direct Sun)
Water Requirements:
Low Water Needs Average Water Needs
Soil Quality:
Poor Soil Quality Average Soil Quality
Soil Chemistry:
Neutral Soil (pH = 7.0) Alkaline Soil (pH > 7.0)
Early Summer Midsummer Late Summer Early Fall Long Blooming
Attracts Wings:
Attracts Butterflies Attracts Hummingbirds Bee Friendly
Critter Resistant:
Deer Resistant Rabbit Resistant
Growth Rate:
Garden Style:
Cottage Eclectic Prairie
Other Features:
Border Plant Cut Flower Cut Foliage Drought Tolerant Easy To Grow Fragrant Flowers Fragrant Foliage Mass Planting
Not Native to North America
Nepetas are easy to grow perennials that provide a beautiful show of color all summer long. They prefer to be planted in full sun and ordinary, well-drained soil. Shearing the plant back in the springtime will promote more compact growth. In addition, cutting plants back by half after their first bloom tends to stimulate a second bloom cycle.
Trade 1 Gallon Container
When to Plant:
Spring to late summer
8-10 weeks
Summer crops may finish considerably faster than late winter crops.
Premium 1 Gallon Pot
When to Plant:
7-8 weeks
Growing Temperature:
64-68° F.
Holding Temperature:
55-60 degrees F
Soil PH:
EC (What is EC?):
1.5-2.0 pour through method
Light to moderate feeders. Incorporate controlled release fertilizer into growing media at a rate equivalent to 1 pound nitrogen per yard of medium. Another method is using a water soluble fertilizer at a rate of 100-150 ppm nitrates to the crop each watering.
Not required but is cold-beneficial. Provide 6-9 weeks of cold.
Pests & Diseases:
Aphids, leafhoppers, slugs, snails, spider mites, thrips, and whiteflies. Rot(Sclerotium), powdery mildew (Erysiphe), leaf spots, bacterial leaf spot (Pseudomonas), stem and root rots, mosaic virus, and Fusarium wilt are diseases to watch for on Nepeta.
Potting & Timing:
Nepeta are fast finishing and can be planted in early spring to late summer.
For potting soil use professional planting media.
Requires low levels of moisture, often considered drought tolerant.
Water in thoroughly when first planted and then when the soil in the bottom of the drain holes feels dry to the touch.
Planting Level:
Place crown of plant just below soil level.
Apply 2-3 spray applications of Bonzi, Paczol or Piccolo (paclobutrazol) at 30 ppm or Concise or Sumagic (uniconazole) at 5 ppm at 7-10 day intervals beginning when the plants are 4-6 inches high. Plugs benefit from a pinch shortly after transplanting.
Requires long days to flower.
Grower Tips:
Grow cool and slightly dry with high light levels for best results.
Proven Winners National Landscape Perennial of the Year -- 2025
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