Monarda 'Lavender Taffeta' CPBRAF PP35192


Common Name: Bee Balm

Prepare for UPSCALE® Bee Balm to raise your expectations with a robust, substantial landscape presence. Taller than most other new introductions on the market, the UPSCALE® collection average 2-2½' tall and wide with flowering performance that covers the top half of the plant. This series is excellent for landscape plantings and filling space in the middle of the border. Well branched stems support a second flush of flowers that extends the length of bloom, a trait that will delight both gardeners and the bees who frequent this popular pollinator perennial. Members of this collection all exhibit good mildew resistance.

'Lavender Taffeta' has dark lavender purple flowers cover shiny, dark green foliage.

Monarda is native to eastern North America, so it is easy to grow and it multiplies quickly. The flowers' sweet nectar attracts scores of hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees to the garden. The aromatic foliage smells like mint when crushed and is often used to flavor teas.

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