Deep black-purple, single flowers are produced on tall, sturdy stalks in midsummer.
For over 18 years, Jelitto worked to develop a consistent strain of stable, straight color, single flowered Hollyhocks. The Alcea rosea Spotlight Series was introduced by Jelitto in 2010 with multiple single color strains including deep black-purple, red, pink, yellow, and white.
Other than their fabulous blossoms, one of the best traits about this series is that the plants are truly perennial, not biennial.
Feel free to grow hollyhocks under Black Walnut trees; they are tolerant of the toxic juglone that is emitted through the trees' roots.
30ct Plug Tray |
5.0-6.0 Feet
2.0 Feet
Hardiness Zones:
Flower Color:
Purple shades Near-black shades
Foliage Color:
Green shades
Full Sun (> 6 hrs. Direct Sun)
Water Requirements:
Average Water Needs
Soil Quality:
Average Soil Quality Fertile Soil Quality
Soil Chemistry:
Acidic Soil (pH < 7.0) Neutral Soil (pH = 7.0) Alkaline Soil (pH > 7.0)
Attracts Wings:
Attracts Butterflies Attracts Hummingbirds Bee Friendly
Seasonal Interest:
Dried Seed Heads
Growth Rate:
Garden Style:
Cottage Eclectic
Other Features:
Border Plant Cut Flower Cut Foliage Dried Flower Mass Planting Specimen Focal Point
Not Native to North America
Hollyhocks provide excellent architectural height in the garden and make good backdrops for lower growing perennials. Try growing them in the cottage garden style by planting them up against a wall or picket fence. Though their stalks are very strong, they may need to be staked if they are planted in a windy site.
Hollyhocks prefer rich, moist, well-drained soil but can tolerate short periods of drought. They need full sun to really perform in the landscape. Watch for Japanese Beetles; this plant is one of their favorites!
Trade 1 Gallon Container
When to Plant:
Early spring to early summer
6-8 weeks
Growing Temperature:
65-70° F
Holding Temperature:
50-60° F
Soil PH:
EC (What is EC?):
2.0-3.0 pour through method
Feed with 75-100 ppm N at each watering.
For Controlled Release or Slow Release Fertilizer, see your preferred supplier for recommended rates for incorporation or top dressing, as it varies by fertilizer.
Alcea should be vernalized for 6-8 weeks at 40° F or below.
Pests & Diseases:
Aphids, whiteflies, thrips, Mallow flea beetle, capsid beetle, caterpillers, two-spotted mites, Japanese beetle, slugs, stalk borer can all affect Alcea.
Leaf spot(Cercosporella), rust, anthracnose, crown gall, Pythium root rot.
Rust can overwinter on debris left from the previous growing season. Clean up dead leaves and plant parts in the fall.
Potting & Timing:
Apply a preventative fungicide at transplant.
Water Alcea throughly and allow the plant to dry slightly between waterings. Established Alcea plants will require more consistent watering.
Planting Level:
Plant plug even with soil line.
Foliar applications of 15 ppm Paclobutrazol (Bonzi, Paczol or Piccolo) or 2.5-5 ppm Uniconazole (Concise or Sumagic) are effective at controlling plant height when they are applied early in the crop.
Alcea has an obligate long day requirement for flowering. They will not flower when grown under short day lengths. If early flowering is desired, it is recommended to provide at least 14-hour photoperiods or night interruption lighting when the natural day lengths are less than 14 hours.
Other Comments:
Allow plants at least 6 hours of full sun. They do not flower well in shade.
Grower Tips:
Alcea will flower in 10 weeks when forced at 65-70° F.
Did you know that Hollyhock flowers are edible? Though they don't have much flavor, they make a showy edible garnish for summer dishes.
5.0-6.0 Feet
2.0 Feet
Hardiness Zones:
Flower Color:
Purple shades Near-black shades
Foliage Color:
Green shades
Full Sun (> 6 hrs. Direct Sun)
Water Requirements:
Average Water Needs
Soil Quality:
Average Soil Quality Fertile Soil Quality
Soil Chemistry:
Acidic Soil (pH < 7.0) Neutral Soil (pH = 7.0) Alkaline Soil (pH > 7.0)
Attracts Wings:
Attracts Butterflies Attracts Hummingbirds Bee Friendly
Seasonal Interest:
Dried Seed Heads
Growth Rate:
Garden Style:
Cottage Eclectic
Other Features:
Border Plant Cut Flower Cut Foliage Dried Flower Mass Planting Specimen Focal Point
Not Native to North America
Hollyhocks provide excellent architectural height in the garden and make good backdrops for lower growing perennials. Try growing them in the cottage garden style by planting them up against a wall or picket fence. Though their stalks are very strong, they may need to be staked if they are planted in a windy site.
Hollyhocks prefer rich, moist, well-drained soil but can tolerate short periods of drought. They need full sun to really perform in the landscape. Watch for Japanese Beetles; this plant is one of their favorites!
Trade 1 Gallon Container
When to Plant:
Early spring to early summer
6-8 weeks
Growing Temperature:
65-70° F
Holding Temperature:
50-60° F
Soil PH:
EC (What is EC?):
2.0-3.0 pour through method
Feed with 75-100 ppm N at each watering.
For Controlled Release or Slow Release Fertilizer, see your preferred supplier for recommended rates for incorporation or top dressing, as it varies by fertilizer.
Alcea should be vernalized for 6-8 weeks at 40° F or below.
Pests & Diseases:
Aphids, whiteflies, thrips, Mallow flea beetle, capsid beetle, caterpillers, two-spotted mites, Japanese beetle, slugs, stalk borer can all affect Alcea.
Leaf spot(Cercosporella), rust, anthracnose, crown gall, Pythium root rot.
Rust can overwinter on debris left from the previous growing season. Clean up dead leaves and plant parts in the fall.
Potting & Timing:
Apply a preventative fungicide at transplant.
Water Alcea throughly and allow the plant to dry slightly between waterings. Established Alcea plants will require more consistent watering.
Planting Level:
Plant plug even with soil line.
Foliar applications of 15 ppm Paclobutrazol (Bonzi, Paczol or Piccolo) or 2.5-5 ppm Uniconazole (Concise or Sumagic) are effective at controlling plant height when they are applied early in the crop.
Alcea has an obligate long day requirement for flowering. They will not flower when grown under short day lengths. If early flowering is desired, it is recommended to provide at least 14-hour photoperiods or night interruption lighting when the natural day lengths are less than 14 hours.
Other Comments:
Allow plants at least 6 hours of full sun. They do not flower well in shade.
Grower Tips:
Alcea will flower in 10 weeks when forced at 65-70° F.
Did you know that Hollyhock flowers are edible? Though they don't have much flavor, they make a showy edible garnish for summer dishes.
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